Tuesday 31 January 2012


Movie starts off with shots of the landscape of where the filming will take place. Shots of the Knoll, Post Office, people walking their dogs, garden shows, hanging baskets and finally a close up shot of the towns name sign "welcome to Brent knoll".

Car pulls up by the sign and a girl (main character) gets out the car.
Luggage is thrown out the car towards the girl and the car drives off.
Close up shot of the girls shoes and camera moves all the way up to her face - to show this characters mise-en-scene.
The girl then starts to walk down the street with her luggage and passes a hanging basket of flowers (from the shot before) and stubs her cigarette out into it.
Girl still walking down the street with a bottle of vodka in her hand passes the post office in which people stare at her as she walks past. (In a disgusted way)

The girl comes face to face with two other teenage girls (from the village) pushes passed them and swears at them in a violent way. Village girls start to walk away fast as if they are scared.

Girl finally turns up to a house and makes her way up the drive, with the door open slightly she kicks the door wide open. Girl makes her way in and stands in the hallway taking her jacket off and throwing it to the side. Women comes round the corner (her mother) and at the sight of the girl in her house, she drops a salad bowl from her hands in shock and it smashes.
Woman starts to cry and says "YOUR BACK?!" camera turns around to the girl in the hall and closes up to her face, the girls finally say "yeh, im back....." and smiles a nasty, sly smile.
Movies names appears on screen, along with actor and directors.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Marketing Strategy

Kidulthood Example...

Viral marketing is probably one of the best marketing strategies for Kidulthood. According to the UK Film Council’s survey, 33% of the people who went to see the film heard about it through word-of-mouth. People are mainly able to hear about the film through family, friends and social networking websites. (eg Facebook, Twitter) 

The film uses synergy so that it gets known. It uses soundtracks from grime artists such as Shystie, Lethal Bizzle and Dizzee Rascal. The music these artists produce relate to people who live an urban lifestyle. If people hear that their music is going to be in the film Kidulthood, they would watch it because it might appeal to them. Therefore the record label and production company work together to gain mutual benefit of targeting their audience. Kidulthood’s distribution company, Revolver Entertainment has produced copies of the film on DVD which is an example of New Media Technology. Kidulthood is likely to become more successful on DVD than in the cinema because it is cheaper when its released on DVD and people can watch it in their own time.

 Instead, posters were produced for the film and did in some way become successful. From the UK Film Council’s exit poll data, 25% of the people who went to see the film heard about it through posters. Another way which gets people talking about Kidulthood are the reviews by the press. If the film gets good reviews, it would make people want to see it and the word-of-mouth spreads. The Sun rated the film 4 stars and said the following: “ Impressive directing and great performances by all of the film's raw young cast combine to make this low-budget bruiser a must-see.”

For Our Film...

Viral Marketing...
Bus Advertising...
Word of Mouth...
Metro Newspaper...
Adverts on TV on teenage programmes...

Research Into Films Of Our Genre's Target Audience

It is difficult to define which genre catergory ‘kidulthood’ falls into however the catergories it falls into are, urban drama, social realist and Tragedy. Everyday life is also difficult to place in a catergory as there are a mixture of things which take place furthermore in this way, ‘Kidulthood’ is an accurate reflection of society as it cannot be placed in a single genre catergory as is the case in real life.
Target Audience
The actors employed in the film are unprofessional and are regular teenagers living in the city of London and so they are able to reflect reality as they are reality. However, it can be argued that the issues are over exaggerated and magnified and in reality it is only a minority of teenagers who are like those in the film.
It makes it clearer to see whether a film is realistic or not by identifying its target audience. ‘Kidulthood’ has a primary audience of teenagers, however, its secondary audience is parents, acting as a warning and creating awareness of what is going on in society. The ways in which the film allows the primary audience to identify includes clothing and language used by the actors and also the familiar setting of the film.

The exit poll data provided by the UK Film Council shows that 158 people under the age of 25 watched the film whereas 53 people were over 25. This tells me that Kidulthood appeals to a younger audience, mainly teenagers and those in their early twenties because the issues in the film may appeal to them. These issues include alcohol, drugs, violence, gang culture and sex. The main characters in the film are around 15 years old and still go to school as shown in their uniform in the first scene. Therefore it can appeal to teenagers around that age because they may be going through the similar issues where they are trying to grow up too quickly.

According to a survey, 89 males and 122 females attended to see Kidulthood. This tells me that the film appealed to more females than males. This may be because females relate to the issues of alcohol, drugs, sex and school bullying more than males. However, the film follows the story of three male best friends and two female best friends so it can appeal to both genders equally. Overall, the film can appeal to both genders as they may have similar experiences.
Location and Social Class

The location in the film is based in West London. From personal identity, the audience may be able to identify this geographical location. Images used in the opening scenes show a pan establishing shot of council flats, giving a more realistic view of Britain which may look familiar to British people. This film would target the working class because they are able to see the difficulties main characters face with not being able to afford a proper house which can relate to them. Through the Reception Theory, the more the similarities of the context of the film, the more the audience will understand as they relate to it. The stereotypes presented in the characters are 'chavs' which are commonly in the working classTherefore this film appeals to working class teenagers. The UK Film Council survey states that 36% of people went to see the film because the story appealed to them. The story follows the life of working class teenagers, so the film also could’ve obviously appealed to a working class audience. 

Informal language is used throughout which appeals to a working class audience of mainly teenagers. The characters are underage drinking which is quite common for teenagers with an urban lifestyle to do.
The characters in the film are mainly black and white, so it can appeal to both ethnicities. The boys characters  wear hoodies which connotes danger and trouble. This gives off a negative stereotype to black teenagers. This scene in particular can appeal to black people, especially those who live an urban lifestyle where hoodies are commonly worn. Two white boys towards the beginning of the film are handing out invitations to everyone to a house party while parents are away. This gives us an impression that white teenagers enjoy house parties and the fact that their parents are away during the time, there is likely to be underage alcohol. Therefore, the film can appeal to mainly black and white ethnicities because the main characters are both.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Audience Expectations Of The Teen-Drama-Crime Genre

Shank - Opening Titles

The opening clips suggesting violence.

The Production companys are then shown. The font used is bold and clear and black is used throughout to show the danger of the crime life shown in the storyline.

The film title is 'Shank' which defined means "to stab someone quickly and repeatedly in the side or lower back with a weapon normally a knife" The title is this because this is the event that happens which is the base of the story. 
The cast are then introduced.

More of the cast are introduced here, in the same black and white style.

The rest of the cast is introduced, followed by the production team...

Sets the scene, clearly shows its based in London 2015 (future)
Action also starts.
Showing more action and introduces new character (right side)

Action slows down and introduces first bit of dialoge.
This shows that the whole first sequence was a flash forward to the near end of the film.

Again showing location and main character. (flash back from first part)
Introducing character by using nick-names one at a time.

More of the characters being introduced using nick-names and clips associated with them.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Synopsis research

Kidulthood's synopsis

It’s just another day at school for West London teenagers Trife, Jay and Moony : beatings in the classroom, sex on the playing field and drugs in the schoolyard. But things are about to flip sharply for this tight trio and their crowd. With school cancelled following the tragic suicide of bullied pupil Katie, the teenagers are all forced to face their own responsibilities and blame for the situations they have got themselves into.

4, 3, 2, 1 synopsis
The story focuses mainly upon 4 friends, Jo (Emma Roberts), Shannon (Ophelia Lovibond), Kerrys (Shanika-Warren Markland) and Cassandra (Tamsin Egerton). They all meet one other at a Diner, where they also see Dillon (Adam Deacon) and Smoothy (Bashy) getting chased by the police while drug-dealing. As Dillon is running past, he drops a stolen diamond (out of 15) in Cassandra's bag. He is unaware that Shannon has a big crush on Dillon as he always ignores her. The four then walk out and go home. The story unfolds though their separate experiences.

Shank synopsis
An action film for the youth generation, set in a decaying future London. A gang set out on a chase to avenge the murder of one of their own.

Iconography Collage

Tuesday 17 January 2012

25th Hour


A somewhat unexpected historical document, Director of Photography Rodrigo Prieto's compositions in duality give voice to Spike Lee's singular vision to begin his "25th Hour" with a quieting magnitude that exists in perfect service.

These 9 screenshots are the opening titles from 25th hour, we have chosen this because it is setting the scene of the location of the film which is what we plan to do in our opening. Instead  of the shots of the city we will have shots of the local village to distract the audience from what the film is really about by delaying the films twist. 

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Conventions of Crime-Drama Films

4,3,2,1 is based on 4 girls who have 3 days they will never forget, spanning to 2 cities. That is if they survive. This shows a storyline with a criminal edge, where the girls are under threat.

Dillon: Do you kiss your mum with that mouth?
Kerrys: Nah, but I kissed yours. 

Is a quote from the film which shows the characters personalities, that they have bad attitudes and are what you call 'mouthy' or 'lippy'. This quote also shows that this genre has a younger target audience.

Harry Brown is a film where Michael Caine plays an elderly ex-serviceman and widower who is looking to avenge his best friend's murder by doling out his own form of justice. This film also includes youths (teenagers) who kill harry browns best friend, the whole plot of the film is for harry brown (an old man) to stop the youths from taking over london with crime, drugs and destruction.

Noel Winters: Think you got rid of my old man?
D.S. Terry Hicock: Yeah.
Noel Winters: Well you haven't. He's still out there now, doing what 
he's always done. You know how? I *am* my old man. 
In this part of the film, the head youth, Noel, is being arrested. This quote shows us that there has been two generations of violence and crime on the streets of london where harry brown lives. 

Kidulthood is a film of a day in the life of a group of troubled 15-year-olds growing up in West London. This matches our target genre because of the crime and the introduction to the characters. 

Uncle Curtis: [to Trev, holding a box cutter] I want you to carve a "c" from the corner of him eye to the corner of him mouth. 

This quote shows how the family to the youths are encouraging this bad behaviour. 

This English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel by Stieg Larsson follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), as he investigates the disappearance of a wealthy patriarch's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced, tattooed, punk computer hacker named Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara). As they work together in the investigation, Blomkvist and Salander uncover immense corruption beyond anything they have ever imagined.

Mikael Blomkvist: Who knows about this?
Henrik Vanger: Just me, the police, the killer, and now you

History of Genre

The genre we have chosen is Teen Drama and Crime, we have chosen this because our target audience is young adults and we feel this is a good genre for this generation as it is both interesting for the audience as it supplys them with some typical teen crime but also has a dramatic storyline which the audience will be able to relate to as they are of a simular age to the cast.

Research of Drama Movies:
A drama movie is a movie that depends that depends mostly on in-depth character development, interaction, and highly emotional themes. In a good drama film, the audience are able to experience what other characters are feeling and identify with someone.
This genre could be especially useful by challenging the ignorance from stereotypes or any other overly simplistic generalisations by bringing it down to a more personal and complex level, which is what we are trying to convey our character as. As well, such movies could also be therapeutic by showing how characters cope with their problems, challenges, or issues, and to the extent the viewer can identify with the characters with his or her own world. 

Research of Crime Movies:
Crime stories in this genre often highlight the life of a crime figure or a crime's victim. Or they glorify the rise and fall of a particular criminal, gang, murderer or lawbreakers in personal power struggles or conflict with law and order figures, an underling or competitive colleague, or a rival gang. Headline-grabbing situations, real-life and crime reports have often been used in crime films. 

Friday 6 January 2012

Brain Storm



Girl returns
Mother drops something

Think about next lesson;
Language, Music, Props.. etc

Thursday 5 January 2012


Welcome to our AS Media Studies blog. 
We will be planning, filming and editing a two minute film opening 
Group members:

Ruby Sinnott

Danielle Lock