Tuesday 31 January 2012


Movie starts off with shots of the landscape of where the filming will take place. Shots of the Knoll, Post Office, people walking their dogs, garden shows, hanging baskets and finally a close up shot of the towns name sign "welcome to Brent knoll".

Car pulls up by the sign and a girl (main character) gets out the car.
Luggage is thrown out the car towards the girl and the car drives off.
Close up shot of the girls shoes and camera moves all the way up to her face - to show this characters mise-en-scene.
The girl then starts to walk down the street with her luggage and passes a hanging basket of flowers (from the shot before) and stubs her cigarette out into it.
Girl still walking down the street with a bottle of vodka in her hand passes the post office in which people stare at her as she walks past. (In a disgusted way)

The girl comes face to face with two other teenage girls (from the village) pushes passed them and swears at them in a violent way. Village girls start to walk away fast as if they are scared.

Girl finally turns up to a house and makes her way up the drive, with the door open slightly she kicks the door wide open. Girl makes her way in and stands in the hallway taking her jacket off and throwing it to the side. Women comes round the corner (her mother) and at the sight of the girl in her house, she drops a salad bowl from her hands in shock and it smashes.
Woman starts to cry and says "YOUR BACK?!" camera turns around to the girl in the hall and closes up to her face, the girls finally say "yeh, im back....." and smiles a nasty, sly smile.
Movies names appears on screen, along with actor and directors.

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