Friday 30 March 2012


2. How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

Ruby Sinnott

We decided to get Darby (on the right) to play Lexi mainly because she lives near me and Dani so it was very conviniant when we needed to shoot. We dressed Lexi as a chav, this was because of the genre we were aiming for, teen drama crime. Teens are generalised in the media as all being 'chavs' and 'thugs', as this is a current view of teens we thought it would fit  nicely in our movie as it is a modern up to date view on teen life. On the left is a picture of 'Becky' from Kidulthood, who is a stereotypical chav who sells herself for money, dresses cheaply and is involved in all the wrong things. As both me and Dani have watched Kidulthood we agreed that Becky was a good character to base Lexi around as they are very simular. Chav's are stereotypically seen as hanging around on the streets in big cities which is a contrast to the countryside location where Lexi lives.  In both these images both characters facial expressions show how much attitude and almost bitterness they have inside. Also both characters dressed in the stereotypical chav outfit. This consists of; hair pulled back, big hoop earrings and lots of bling! 
Danielle Lock

Our media product represents a particular social that has been a big talking point in the media during the last few years, chavs. Our character Lexi is what they call a chavy stereotype. She has attitute, she is loud and dresses in a way that would been seen a chavy and/or pervocative in the media. We decided to go for this particular stereotypical person becasue we thought people of our age would be attracted to this genre of film (Drama/crime/teen)  From the research i have carried out people of our age like this type of genre. The film Kidulthood has been very populare with the age group of our target audience. However, i feel Kidulthood is mainly aimed at boys, although they do have female characters. We wanted to make our movie unique in the fact that the social group we are wanting to represent is not only chavy, but includes a girl chav, which is not in the film maket at the moment.
The "girl chav" is shown to have lots of make-up, pulled back hair and dress differently to other people of different social groups.

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