Wednesday 28 March 2012


7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Ruby Sinnott 
Danielle Lock

The preliminary work helped as we knew what angels we needed to shoot from to make the film look good, a key aspect we learnt in the preliminary task was continuity. This helped in our full product as we were able to link the clips together and for them to flow nicely. The door opening used in the preliminary task helped as we had a door opening in our film opening so we had practice of which angles we needed to shoot to make it look as professional as possible.
The preliminary task also made me realize how mise en scene is important as it is the first impression and audiences judge characters in films/TV very quickly on their image. So we made sure it was obvious what kind of character Lexi was from the outset. 
We were more able to use media programmes for our film opening as we had used them in the preliminary work such as, Final Cut Pro this meant we knew how to use the basic skills which made it easier to put the basic film together very quickly. This meant we could self evaluate our work as we went as the clips were in order along the timeline, meaning we only had to tweak it and add more effects to improve it. 

Our preliminary task was very basic compared to our finished movie opening. In our movie opening we used lots more angles and were more comfortable with the technology we were using, such as the camera. However if we did not do the preliminary task we would not have been able to understand continuity. We improved hugely with our movie opening, making the scenes flow smoother and not as flashy. One thing that the preliminary task helped us with is a door opening sequence, we used this in our movie opening as well as the preliminary task. Becasue we had practiced this before we filmed our final movie opening, we were able to do a few different angle shots to make it look intence at that particulare part of the movie.    
The task also helped us with mise-en-scenes importance, so the viewers know what type of film and what type of character they are watching.
It also helped us with the understanding of the clips, so in each scene the audience knows what is happening.

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