Thursday 29 March 2012


 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Ruby Sinnott
Danielle Lock

 This is the camera we used to film all of our footage it is a Panasonic HDC 5D60

This is the tri-pod which goes with the camera, the tripod was very useful when we were filming as it allowed us to get very still shots and steady panning shots. The tripod had  extendable legs which was useful.

 This is me Ruby learning to use the camera and seeing what each button means. I was also seeing how to connect the camera to the mac as you can see from the USB cable inserted. 
This is my camera, and is the camera we used to take pictures of locations we were going to shoot, the camera we used to take pictures of our actress after her make-up had been done on the first day of filming so that when we filmed again we could make sure it was the same, and the camera i used to take pictures while we were filming. The pictures are on the blog.

This is Dani uploading some evaluation footage onto Final Cut Pro, which is the editing programme we used to put our film together. 
This also shows the Mac computer we used in lesson which was easy to use.

This is a screen shot i took while I was using Final Cut Pro to edit the beginning of our film opening. The left hand box with all the clips in is where all the clips we shot get imported to so we can view them in the middle screened box (black in the picture) to see what parts of that particular clip we needed so we could cut it down and add it to the timeline. The timeline is the long box along the bottom clips that are blue clips are the imagery and the greenclips are the sound. The top right box is where we could view what was on our timeline i.e watch what we had created so far. The tool bar at the top (File, Edit, View..Effects) was where we found how to to freeze frames, add in fades and lots more. The bottom right is a little box which was the most handy, this is the basic tools needed to edit. We had the 'arrow' which was how we moved clips along the timeline, the 'razor' is how we cut clips down once they were in the timeline and the 'pen' which is how we faded the music in and out appropriately.

Soundtrack Pro is the programme we used to create our music. The music at the start (village music) came from putting folk music and bird noises together. This image on the left is of me using Soundtrack Pro to create the music for the upbeat half of the film opening. I did this by adding together various instruments which are in a typical dubstep type music. The middle box where the green music lines are is the music starting to take shape. 

Blogger is the site we used to make a blog to put up posts of our research, planning and evaluations and publish videos. The image on the right is of our blog

 Art of the title is a website we used to research opening titles. As you can see from our blog post from art of the title we found a simular location setting opening film titles from 25th hour. 

 Dafont is the font site we used to make our opening titles, after lots of browsing through various titles we found the one for our movie - TRASHED.

We used YouTube a lot while we were researching, as this is a good site for watching other film openings on quickly, we also watched interviews with producers from our genre to give us an insight to achieve our own. 

Paint we used to make screenshots of our work, as you can see from the image on the right, this is me screen-shooting for this post on paint. Paint is an easy programme to use, so we prefered to do our screen shots on here rather than on Photoshop Pro. 

Overall, we have learnt alot about technologies through the process of this media product. I have become more advanced with programmes I have used before such as, using the Camera, Final Cut Pro, Youtube and Dafont. And I have developed skills to use Soundtrack Pro to create music and Art of the Title to browse through other film titles. Technology is the most important factor affecting the relationship between audiences and institutions so it was key that we continue to learn more about technology.

This is me using the camera, learning all the buttons.

Panasonic HDC 5D60, the camera we used to film our footage.
Me using the mac and final cut to edit our film opening together and uploading our evaluation interview. I was also using soundtract pro to edit our sound together. 

Our tripod we used to keep the camera steady so we could film more angles and have a better pan on a landscape if we needed to.

Me using the camera again. Our camera skills has vastly improved over the duration of filming. Our camera was very easy to use, whether it was on the tripod or in our hands.

Close up shot of the cameras buttons, to show how simple the technology is.

 Final cut pro was very improtant to creating the final film opening. This is the software we imported and edited our footage onto.
Soundtrack pro was also very helpful, we could pick what sound effect we wanted to include, such as the car shreek. We also created our music on this software.
This is what used to do some research into frames of an opening sequence.
Blogger is what I used to update our progress, homework, videos, pictures and write about how we wanted our film to be.
The font we used for our opening titles.
The font site we used to download the font we wanted for our titles.
 Using final cut pro putting together the first part of the opening seqence to our movie.
 The camera we used to take pictures of us while we were filming and to picture darbys finished make-up, so if we had to film again we could go back to the pictures and look at how we did the make-up.
 The mac we used in college, very simple to use.
 Us using soundtract pro, putting together the first part of the sound during the titles.
 Using final cut pro to sort the fades between shots so the clips flow evenly. 
We used paint for screen grabs.

Used youtube to upload the final "LEXI" film opening and to get comments from peers.

Us using camera to take pictures of filming for progress report.

My overall experience with the technologies that we have used for this media product is good. I feel that i have improved my skills with Final cut pro and Soundtrack pro. Editing the film was a good challenge for me and ruby, we wanted it to flow smoothly and did achieve this. However, we had a problem with final cut pros fades, which was dissappointing, but we were able to make our own fades on the same software, and in the end looked better.
Originally we were going to use a downloaded song from youtube for our openings music. However this didnt sound too good on the final product, so we decided to create our own sound on Soundtrack pro. This was overall a better sound for the film and gave us the chance to work more with that software.
I havent used blogspot that much before this product, but i found that it was easier this time round. It was clear how to upload images and things i need to do for the progression of the planning, filming and editing.
The camera we used to film was fairly straight forward, all we had to know was on/off, record and playback. We decided not to include any zooms in the final product, as it is rare that you see a zoom in a film opening.
The other softwares we used such as, paint, youtube, art of the title and de-font we had used before. It was straight forward, however we did gain more skills and practice with these being included to help us achieve our final product.

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