Wednesday 7 March 2012

Health and Safety Considerations

We allowed our actress Darby (Lexi) to wear her ugg boots down to the location and then change her shoes when we were ready to film, as the heels were hard to walk in and we were near a main road.
We also brought a coat out for Darby as it was a very cold day as it was in Febuary and she wasn't wearing much for the filming. 
The fag that we used was real, however we did conform this was alright with Darby and she has previously smoked anyway.
The vodka bottle we filled with water as we didn't want a drunk actress, we were also aware that pure vodka wouldn't be good for her health, especially when we had to take a few clips of her drinking it. 
When we dropped the vodka bottle we did this on grass as we didn't want it to smash everywhere.
When the bowl in the house was smashed we put a cushion to break its fall, as we didn't want to have broken china in the middle of the shoot as someone could have easily injured themself. We took the bowl outside and smashed it into small pieces, recorded the sound effect and put some of the pieces on the floor near Julie's feet as we needed this shot in the film.

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