Tuesday 6 March 2012


16th Feb
First day filming today, pleased with all our footage.
Actress took a long time to get ready as we focused on Mise-en-Scene in great detail, this set us back an hour. Still need more footage and do not have much battery left.

<-- Our main actress Darby Mears, playing 'Lexi'
Filming set, actress changing shoes over ready for filming.

Filming the house scenes.

18th Feb
Weather looked very bad this morning so we didn't know if we'd be able to continue filming today. We decided to get our location shots as weather didn't effect this.
The weather cleared up by the time Darby and Julie were both available so we started filming.
While shooting the scene in Dani's house the camera went very low on battery (2 minutes) so we rushed our car scene in and it was a wrap.

20th Feb 
I took a clip of the Brent Knoll sign on the way to the bus stop this morning as the camera had 1 minute left. I then took the camera back to Michelle.

21st Feb
Imported all footage onto computer.
Went through all the footage and decided which shots we were going to use.
Started to place the first few location shots together.
Only problem we experienced is not having enough location shots for the opening titles - going to film again after rough cut.

23rd Feb
This lesson we put the rest of the footage that we needed together to make the whole sequence. We then started to cut down the shots to the length we needed them.
Once we had put all of it together we started to focus more on the sound- the plate smashing. This was quite challenging because we had to get the smashing sound in the right place before the charactor says her diologe.
The only problem we experienced was when we were putting the sequence together, we noticed that the car shot was a little jumpy and also inluded a zoom, which did not work well with the shot...So we cut out the zoom and the jumpy bit. Although this was a problem the shot still looks clear and good.

28th Feb
This lesson we started by putting our indents at the start of the movie.
We then had to pick a font for the titles, so we went on the website dafont.com. After looking over a lot of different fonts we found one called TRASHED which fits with our storyline so we chose this one. We then started to make our titles using this font. We moved the clips along and put them at the start ready to place next lesson. We also arranged to film again this weekend.

1st March 
Today we were focusing on the start of the movie clips. We finished of the titles and then placed them in between the clips of the location shots and tried to order them appropriately this was challenging because the lengths of the clips kept changing. We then went on to try to put the fades in, we first decided to go with using the cross dissolve transaction, this didn't work out because it went to fast and cut the clips down. So we decided to create our own fades. This was a problem as the computer kept freezing on us which made it very difficult to see if the points were in the right place for the right timing of fade. We will continue this next lesson and hope the computer isn't playing up again.

3rd March
Last lesson we became aware that we didn't have enough location shots to complete our opening titles.
So today I went and filmed more location shots of Brent Knoll.
The shots were of the school, the knoll, the parish hall, animals and birds.

6th March
We imported all the new footage from saturday and started to sort through the shots we needed. We then included these in our opening titles. This improved the length of the titles, which meant we could place the credits in better and also improved the scene setting of where the movie is actually taking place.
After we finished the titles, we started to focus on the music. We want a light sound of a typical country song including a soft piano or guitar with birds singing in the background for the opening scene setting titles. Then for when we get to see our character, much more of an upbeat sound such as, dubstep. We are leaning towards a Jay-Z and Kanye West song.

8th March
We have chosen and imported the music this lesson. We decided to go for a guitar and bird noise effects for the beginning and the Jay-Z and Kanye West song for the rest. We also included a car sound effect for the car pulling up scene. The music may change at a laster date, as we are getting feedback next week. We also made our titles longer so it isnt so jumpy, this was challenging as we had to get them all equal length and the fades had to be moved and changed. We also decided to take Ruby's indent out of the film as it did not match the film genre at all.

At the end of the lesson we uploaded our Rough Cut onto YouTube:

13th March
This lesson I was given the feedback for our film, this included putting the title after seeing the main character, this is so the car scene is more effective and also so the audience know who 'Lexi' actually is. Another bit of feedback was that the Jay Z ft Kanye West song was not a good choice after all, the feedback was that the lyrics took away from the actual footage.
After hearing all the feedback I started off by moving the title clips round and placing the car scene straight after the birds and linking the music up together. I then took the Jay Z ft Kanye West song out and starting to make my own track on Soundtrack Pro.

15th March
This lesson we put a longer clip of music in the beginning (the country music) as this was skipping where we had repeated it instead of getting a longer clip. We then worked on our title text, 'LEXI'. We wanted to make the name smash, but we didn't have the appropriate software to do that so we just enlarged the text so it went out of context. Then added a Bang. This was to create a dramatic title.
We then tidied up the rest of the footage, adding fades and cutting clips were needed.

Then uploaded our Final Cut to youtube:

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